We are proud of our results. The most recent records at the end of 2012 shows that over 403 children are being cared for and educated in the two facilities along with some 67 students being supported nationally and internationally for post-secondary studies.
So far, as of 2013, 52 students have graduated and found work. This has only been possible, thanks to all the contributors, and volunteers that have helped/are helping the organization to grow since its birth.
Each of the Homes has enough land and buildings to look after over 100 children. The Foundation now only has enough funding to support 50 children in one Home, and 54 children in the other. It is also supporting 14 of the children, who have graduated from school and are now studying at Cambodian and Thai Universities.
We can help more, reach out and cater to the needs of children at risk with your help and your support.