What is it?
Buddhism is one of the pillars of Cambodian culture and philosophy. Buddhism deeply influences Cambodia’s history and continues to strongly influence Khmer behaviors and values in today’s society. Buddhist monks remain very inspiring and are modern role models for Cambodia and its children. One of those Pagodas is located very close to the Home 1.
Hence, we aim to perpetuate the good practices from the past, and still give an important space for Buddhism to provide the children the right moral values, and life principles, which are so important in one’s life. Buddhist monks can teach to children to think critically, and to teach them Khmer philosophy based on ancient tales and stories. This will be done dynamically through experience sharing between the monks and the children, to provoke an exchange of ideas over discussions and debate.
Why do we need your help/how you can help?
We want to strengthen the existing informal partnership that exist between the KF and the Home 1, and create a new partnership between the Home 2 and a neighboring pagoda. We aim to expand networking and advertising about the KF and the Homes activities through billboard or banner into the Pagoda, and encourage children community services within the pagodas.
To do so, we would need a budget to sponsor the transportation cost for the teaching monks to provide philosophy/life teaching lessons to children, on a weekly basis. We want to set up a space where those stories can be kept on poster and on walls.The yearly estimated budget would be of $1,000 usd to support the activity, for each Home.
What are the expected results?
The children will learn about the importance of self-discipline and other important values and soft skills that can help them a lot to become role model in the society and at their future workplace. Ensuring that the children got the right mind with the right heart is very important to the KF, and is at the core of the KF’s principles.We will ensure as well the perpetuation of the tradition and habits undertaken by the KF founders and previous management teams.