The Health Screening Project


What is it?

Every year the Children’s Homes would collaborate with the Rotary Club of Singapore, through the Medical students from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine/Singapore to conduct a health screening and check-up services for the children and the remote villagers in Battambang province, where healthcare is not easily accessible. The main focus of this project is on health education and livelihood improvements with the aim of improving the villager’s health status and their general hygiene. At the same time, the health and hygiene education will be conducted to help the villagers to deal with their current health problem and illness.Besides, this is also an education project for the children as it become a direct community service project to low-income people, where children can get involved actively.


Why do we need your help/how you can help?

At least more than 265 families in Kamping Puay area have received our services, approximately 500 people last year. Most of those people live in remote villages and fully rely on agriculture and rice crop as their main livelihood. Many of this family do not earn enough money to cover their basic needs and they often have insufficient food to eat. This results in malnutrition and many other illnesses.


Even though the Rotary Club of Singapore and the students from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine would support some of the costs involved in this program, the Homes still needs additional financial assistance of about $2000 per year to fully support operation of this project. This budget covers administrative costs for fuels, vehicle renting, tent renting, transportation, the food for the volunteers (20/25 students) etc. A more detailed budget can be provided upon request.


What are the expected results?

The health of the neighboring villagers will be improved. The program being conducted once a year is a constant reminder of the villagers to take good care of their health. By conducting this program, we create equal opportunity for the poor to have the same medical access as the ones that can afford one. This is also a very good way for children to understand what community service really means, and to may be put the seed of responsible future citizens in them.

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