The RAINBOW project.


What is it?

Ensuring a decent standard of living is a key priority for the Khmer Foundation. Any volunteers or visitors that have visited the 2 homes would have noticed that despite the education the children receive and the discipline applied to the children organisation, there is a lot of room to improve the hygiene conditions of the homes. This can simply be done by:


  • Adding toiletries such as soaps and towels.
  • Recyclinggarbage/trash/perishable goods and teaching children

environmentally friendly habits

  • Changing dormitories mattresses. Investing in better quality mattresses instead

ofa low quality one that last only for one year

  • Enforcing hygiene standards, and environmentally friendly rules and principles,

by displaying reminder messages and rules on small communication boardsupport


Why do we need your help/how you can ?


  1. Cost Estimation of adding soaps, towels, trash bins per year:

Home 1: Xx Soaps per month + xxx paper towels + xxx trash bins

Home 2: Xx Soaps per month + xxx paper towels + xxx trash bins


  1. Cost Estimation of Replacing New Mattresses.

For Home 1:

  • 1- Premium quality: 104 children x $65/piece = $6,760
  • 2- Medium quality : 104 children x $45/piece = $ 4,680
  • 3- Low quality : 104 children x $27/piece = $2,808

For Home 2:

  • 1- Premium quality: 104 children x $65/piece = $6,760
  • 2- Medium quality : 104 children x $45/piece = $ 4,680
  • 3- Low quality : 104 children x $27/piece = $2,808


  1. Cost Estimation of good quality communication supports for hygiene standards and environmentally friendly posters, banners, stickers to be placed on wall and at selected places.

Home 1 and 2: Estimation of $2,000 USD for design, printing, laminating and wall support. All materials/services can be sourced locally in Phnom Penh or Battambang at competitive price.


What are the expected results?

The results here are very immediate and very visible; first it will provide more decent living condition for children to whom we need to ensure maximum care and dignity. The perception of visitors will also improve. And most importantly the KF will ensure compliance to national standards and will be aligned with expectations of annual inspections requirements from the government regulating body (which one) and from local authorities from the commune.


Example of volunteers engaged in renovation projects prior to 2013






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