Sport Project


What is it?

Sport activities can improve children’s physical, psychological and social well-being because the behavior learned in children’s childhood influences future adult behavior. For instance, the very basic concept of teamwork and respect for the others can be learnt by playing soccer. We have seen so many changes and progresses where children with strong personalities learnt to get along better with their peers and had much more positive interactions with older kids and other adults.


We want as well to discover and to nurture their talents. Some of the children may be predisposed to certain disciplines better than others. Moreover, the Children’s Home 2 soccer team is very talented and has won many football competitions on a yearly basis playing against other organizations! It is important to understand this at an early stage. Sports provide a very healthy complement to the formal study curriculum.


Why do we need your help/how you can help?

We want to encourage the children to develop their extra ciricula activities. To make this happen, we need to buy more materials and find volunteers with the right set of skills that could help the kids to progress. We see the teacher as more important than the material. It would be great if you could help us identify volunteers ready to set up long term activities. Following this, materials could be purchased.


As immediate needs, soccer uniforms for all the children of both Homes would be of help.


Cost Estimation:

  • Soccer uniform: 110 children x $5/set = $550
  • Shoes: 110 children x $5/pair = $550


What are the expected results?

The saying goes: “a sane spirit in a healthy body”. The children will have more activities to engage in. The more they diversify their activities that can contribute to their personal development and growth, and the more they are likely to do better at school and are less likely to smoke, do drugs or abuse alcohol. Playing soccer and other sports provide the opportunity to teach children how to handle disappointment, competition, frustration and anger in a respectful manner. Modeling positive behaviors that are taught by their older brothers or staff encourages children to use the same tools to solve conflict in other areas of their lives. We have strong hope that it will help them find better their vocation, reveal their passion, and push them to excel in what they are doing.


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