What is it?

The chicken raising and training facility was built in 2011, initially funded by the German Embassy to train the orphans and underprivileged children who could not catch up at school and low income villagers about how to manage a sustainable income generating project, to achieve more self-reliance. The farm today has 3,500 chickens from 1000 chicken in 2011. Hence this is a very successful project so far.


Why do we need your help/how you can help?

Since this project is very well managed and brings in revenue for the KF, we would like to expand the activities and volume of chicken. There are four production cycles in one year. It will cost $9,000 to support one cycle (2 months) which will include the cost of food and the cost of small chickens.

It is important to specify that this is not a cost per se but an investment that will be recovered after the chicken be sold and that will generate a profit. One bag of grain 30kg cost about $20. For one cycle, approx. 170 bags of small grains and 250 of big grains are needed.


All the generated profit constitutes an additional source of revenue that is entirely redistributed to invest  in well-being of the children and their education.

The generated revenue can be allocated to support higher education for Cambodians and less fortunate students and will help to cover the costs of English and Computer classes.


What are the expected results?

  • Children will become better equipped with entrepreneurial skills, along with
  • practical experience to raise a chicke successfully. A source of income to sustain the operation for years to come and can be

consolidated to provide more sustainability to the KF operations in the future.

  • In two years (2015), the project will become fully self-sustaining



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